Hello, I'm


A dedicated UI/UX designer with a passion for creating intuitive and visually captivating user experiences.

My Projects

Modish Nest

Modish Nest

A UX/UI design project for a web app dedicated to a mid-century modern furniture store.

This project exemplifies expertise in advanced UI skills including interactive animation, functionalism, and responsive design. Additionally, comprehensive user testing was conducted to refine the UX, ensuring a captivating and cohesive brand experience.

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A UX/UI design project for a native home automation app for Android and iOS platforms.

This project showcases skills in applying iOS design guidelines and Material Design principles to create a cohesive design across both platforms. Additionally, it involves incorporating existing mobile design patterns, conducting app analysis, and implementing native sound effects and haptics. This app is complemented by a prototype that accurately represents the final user interface.

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Localite is a UX/UI design project centered around the creation of a responsive web app for restaurant and venue recommendations.

This project showcases advanced UI/UX skills, including competitive analysis, user psychology, Lean UX principles, user research, and MVP documentation. It also highlights expertise in creating user flow diagrams, paper prototypes, usability testing, and ensuring responsive design through grid layouts.

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FreshTunes is a UI design project for a mobile 80's music app.

This mobile design seamlessly incorporates design theory, design principles, patterns, color, typography, icons, and emotive elements to capture the essence of the era.

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I revitalized the user interface of the NGO Culture Routes Society's app, ViaEuroasia, to enhance user experience and address navigation and design challenges.

For this project, I leveraged my expertise in UI design principles, Figma design tool proficiency, and animation skills to reimagine the app's interface, create more intuitive navigation, and introduce micro-interactions that elevated the overall user engagement.

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In response to an urgent project, I embarked on a rapid design initiative to create high-fidelity wireframes for a note-taking app, emphasizing simplicity and efficiency to align with the ethos of "less, but better".

Utilizing Figma as my design toolkit, I navigated the swift demands of functionalism, where each UI element is thoughtfully crafted for optimal user experience. This experience honed my ability to rapidly respond to urgent design requests while maintaining meticulous attention to detail.

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Personal Porfolio Site

Personal Portfolio Website

I constructed this comprehensive portfolio website from scratch which offers an array of features, including a homepage with work examples, an 'About' section, in-depth project pages, and a contact section.

HTML, CSS, and JavaScript were utilized to create the multi-page site. The emphasis was on responsive design, ensuring that the website functions flawlessly across various screen sizes. The implementation of clean and well-written code was essential to reflect the quality of both my design work and technical capabilities.

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CSS Animation

Animation of an SVG landscape.

This project showcases multiple animations through keyframes.